7, February 2023

Champagne Louis Roederer heads the line-up at new platform selling wine NFTs

This direct-to-consumer platform allows shoppers to purchase a non-fungible token that is linked with a physical bottle from the winery. WineChain promises ‘perfect provenance with minimal carbon footprint’ as you buy, sell and store fine wines online. Three Champagne houses – Louis Roederer, Fleur de Miraval and Henri Giraud – have agreed to sell ‘wiNeFTs’ on the WineChain platform.



7, February 2023

Winechain : la liste officielle des tout premiers domaines qui pourront émettre des wiNeFT

Winechain, la plateforme de wiNeFT (wiNeFT est le nom officiel d’un NFT sur WineChain) qui connecte les grands domaines aux nouvelles générations de passionnés de vin à travers le monde, vient d’annoncer la liste officielle des tout premiers domaines qui seront habilités à émettre des wiNeFT sur sa marketplace indépendante. Chaque trimestre, cette liste s’étoffera au fur et à mesure que les candidatures auront été étudiées et que la décision officielle d’onboarding aura été acceptée.


La Champagne de Sophie Claeys

7, February 2023

WineChain: tra le prime aziende sulla piattaforma dei wiNeFTs anche Ceretto e Parusso

Ci sono anche due griffe delle Langhe, come Parusso e Ceretto, tra le primissime aziende italiane che avranno il diritto di emettere wiNeFTs su WineChain, la piattaforma indipendente lanciata a giugno 2022 da Xavier Garambois, ex vicepresidente Amazon Europa, Guillaume Jourdan, Ceo VitaBella a Parigi, Nicolas Mendiharat, Ceo Palate Club a San Francisco, pensata per creare un rapporto diretto tra i grandi vignaioli e le nuove generazioni di consumatori e appassionati di tutto il mondo, cui garantire un accesso privilegiato a vini rari ed esperienze esclusive, garanzie sull’autenticità e la tracciabilità di ogni bottiglia e la certezza che i vini - fino alla loro spedizione - saranno conservati solo nei magazzini dedicati di WineChain, attraverso cui potranno gestire la loro cantina, ad esempio rivendendo alcuni dei loro wiNeFT, e partecipare attivamente alla vita della community.


Wine News

7, February 2023

WineChain Adds Prestigious Wineries to NFT Marketplace

WineChain, a non-fungible token marketplace focused on fine wine, just announced it has partnered with several prestigious wineries around the world to sell their coveted wines on its Web3 platform.


Rarity Sniper News

7, February 2023

WineChain et wiNeFT, ce concept pétillant de marketplace NFT!

Au moins une quinzaine de grands domaines ont déjà pu intégrer la liste des producteurs de spiritueux séduits par les wiNeFT de WineChain. Cette marketplace indépendante, qui s’habituait à offrir un token non fongible à chaque bouteille physique achetée, vient de rallonger sa liste. Aux dernières nouvelles, Louis Roederer, Egon Müller et Cos d’Estournel viennent rallonger la liste des domaines séduits par la formule Web3 de WineChain.



6, February 2023

Champagne Louis Roederer heads new wine NFT platform

"They are all convinced that the solid guarantee of traceability offered by Web3, and the transparency and accessibility of transactions designed to open the world of wine to a whole new generation of enthusiasts, represent the future,” said Antoine Pétrus, director of major international estates at WineChain.


NFT News Pro

2, February 2023

Winechain Reveals the Official List of the World’s Very First Wine Estates Eligible to Issue WiNeFT

WINECHAIN, the marketplace for wiNeFTs (the official Winechain name for an NFT) that connects fine wine estates to new generations of wine enthusiasts all around the globe, has today revealed the official list of the very first wine estates that will have the right to issue wiNeFTs on its independent platform. This list will be updated every quarter, as applications from new candidates are assessed and official onboarding approval is granted.


Wine Industry Network

14, September 2022

Fine wine NFT platform raises €6 million for expansion

Winechain, an NFT platform specialising in fine and prestige wine DTC sales, has raised €6 million of backing from some of the best known names in fine wine, ahead of its launch later this year.


The Drinks Business

6, June 2022

Here’s how NFT Platforms will Transform the Wine Industry

There’s recently been a flurry of announcements in the Wine NFT space. In early June, Winechain announced its ambition to “create direct links with new generations of wine consumers around the world”


The Pourquoi Pas

1, June 2022

Blockchain and Web3 Technology Connect Winemakers to End Consumers Generations of Wine Enthusiasts

WineChain said it aims to “create dynamic and interactive relationships between iconic estates and demanding consumers with a passion for wine.” It said it has so far raised more than $1m in support from wine lovers and prestigious wine estates.



31, May 2022

Winechain: Connecting Fine Wine Estates to New Generations of Wine Enthusiasts

A wine-meets-technology project designed to create direct links with new generations of wine consumers around the world is set to launch at the end of 2022, backed by 3 founders: Xavier Garambois, former head of Amazon Europe; Guillaume Jourdan, CEO of VitaBella in Paris; and Nicolas Mendiharat, CEO of the San Francisco Palate Club.


The Wine Industry Advisor